Could you be B12 Deficient?

Have you ever heard of Vitamin B12 before? If not, no worries! Keep reading to find out everything you need to know about Vitamin B12 and just how important it is for us as well as signs and symptoms of a B12 deficiency. 

Let’s start with the basics: what is Vitamin B12? Vitamin B12 is one of 8 B Vitamins that your body needs in order to carry out important functions including red cell production, bone health and energy production/levels. Without enough B12, blood cells do not form properly inside your bone marrow and these blood cells then die sooner than ‘normal’. These cells are then not able to be formed into red blood cells that are needed to carry oxygen throughout the body. Therefore, it is extremely important that we supply our body with enough Vitamin B12 to keep up with the demand that our bodies need.  

Unfortunately, we cannot naturally produce B12 (that we can absorb at least) on our own, but it is rather absorbed from the food that we eat. So, what foods are good sources of Vitamin B12? A vast majority of our B12 intake comes from animal sources such as meat, fish, milk, cheese and eggs. As most of our B12 is derived from animal sources, those who follow a Vegetarian or Vegan diet may have a higher risk of developing a Vitamin B12 deficiency. If you are Vegetarian or Vegan, other reliable sources of Vitamin B12 can be found in nutritional yeast, almond milk and fortified cereals. This includes brands such as: Special K, Rice Krispies and Cornflakes (for a full list of fortified cereals click here). 

According to the NHS, adults need about 1.5 micrograms of Vitamin B12 a day. So, if you do follow a Vegetarian or Vegan diet, or don’t eat meat or animal products often, it is likely that you will not reach the recommended amount which may lead to a B12 deficiency. Here are some signs and symptoms of a B12 deficiency to look out for: 

  • Extreme tiredness/fatigue 
  • Lack of energy 
  • Headaches 
  • Low mood 
  • Mouth ulcers 
  • Feeling faint 
  • Brain fog/reduced memory 
  • Pins and needles
  • Pale skin 
  • Palpitations 

A lack of Vitamin B12 may lead to anaemia. If you are experiencing severe symptoms please visit your GP to be diagnosed and treated. If left untreated for a long period of time, some health conditions caused by anaemia may become irreversible. For more information about anaemia click here.   

Our main goal at Get A Drip is to help provide our clients with Vitamins that are needed to maintain a healthy lifestyle. As Vitamin B12 is a fairly common deficiency, we offer a variety of different options of B12 Booster Shot Injections so that you and your Nurse on the day can choose what is best suited for you. We offer three different forms of B12 injections: 

B12 Hydroxycobalamin is an inactive form of B12 that needs to be converted first by the body. Some people possess the gene that naturally converts this form of B12 into energy, however, if not, you either need to pair it with Methylcobalamin or Adensylcobalamin. As it needs to be converted first, it takes your body longer to metabolise it, however, it tends to last longer in your system. 

B12 Methylcobalamin is an active form of B12 and is used to produce energy. This form does not need to be converted first and will give you that effect of an “instant energy boost”. As this form metabolises faster than B12 Hydroxy, you may burn through the “energy boost” at a quicker rate. 

Triple B12 is a combination of B12 Hydroxy, B12 Methyl and B12 Adenosyl. By having this, clients will benefit from all of the above by receiving a complete and rounded delivery of B12 with immediate effect! Get that “instant energy boost” while storing it for longer in your system so you can stay energised for longer. 

If you would like to know your Vitamin B12 levels or test your Vitamin and Mineral levels, Get A Drip also offers Blood Tests and Diagnostics so you can check if you have any Vitamin deficiencies or exceed a recommended amount of Vitamin levels. If you would like to check if you possess the gene that naturally converts B12 Hydroxy, Get A Drip also offers a Nutritional DNA Test where your results are analysed and a bespoke Drip recommendation will be created based on your own unique DNA!  

If you would like to know more about our B12 Booster Shot Injections, book in your free consultation with us now, or if you would like to book your B12 Injection right away click here

B12 FAQ’s: 

  • What is Vitamin B12 and why is it important?
  • Answer: Vitamin B12 is a water-soluble vitamin that is essential for red blood cell production, DNA synthesis, and neurological function. It is important for maintaining healthy nerve cells, producing DNA, and keeping red blood cells healthy.
  • What are the signs and symptoms of a Vitamin B12 deficiency?
  • Answer: Some of the common signs and symptoms of a Vitamin B12 deficiency include extreme tiredness or fatigue, lack of energy, headaches, low mood, mouth ulcers, feeling faint, brain fog or reduced memory, pins and needles, pale skin, and palpitations.
  • What are the sources of Vitamin B12 and what if I’m on a vegetarian or vegan diet?
  • Answer: Animal-based products like meat, fish, milk, cheese, and eggs are the best sources of Vitamin B12. For vegetarians or vegans, reliable sources of Vitamin B12 can be found in nutritional yeast, almond milk, and fortified cereals like Special K, Rice Krispies, and Cornflakes.  
  • What are the different forms of Vitamin B12 injections available and how do they differ from each other?
  • Answer: There are three different forms of Vitamin B12 injections available – B12 Hydroxycobalamin, B12 Methylcobalamin, and Triple B12. B12 Hydroxycobalamin is an inactive form of B12 that needs to be converted first by the body. B12 Methylcobalamin is an active form of B12 that is used to produce energy. Triple B12 is a combination of B12 Hydroxy, B12 Methyl, and B12 Adenosyl.
  • How can I check my Vitamin B12 levels and get a personalized drip recommendation based on my DNA?
  • Answer: Get A Drip offers blood tests and diagnostics to check Vitamin B12 levels and other Vitamin deficiencies. They also offer a Nutritional DNA Test where your results are analysed, and a bespoke drip recommendation is created based on your unique DNA. You can book a free consultation with Get A Drip to learn more about their Vitamin B12 injection options and diagnostic services.

Book your Vitamin B12 Booster Shot here!