What is IV drip therapy?

IV Drip Hydration is a low-risk procedure of administering vitamins and medications directly into the bloodstream.

Does getting IV drip therapy hurt?

Everyone has their own pain threshold, and we do our best to make each experience as comfortable as possible. We may also apply a topical numbing spray for added comfort.

It is normal for you to experience a small pinch as the needle punctures your skin for cannula insertion.

What are your medical qualifications?

Our practice is Doctor led. Our team of Healthcare professionals is made up of GMC Registered Doctors, NMC Registered Nurses, GPC Pharmacists and Nutritionists. Our team has over 100 years combined medical experience in the NHS. We are regulated by the Care Quality Commission (CQC) for treatment and diagnosis.

Which IV drip is right for me?

We offer the ability to completely customise your IV Drip service. In order to find the right Drip and/or Booster Shots for you, speak to a member of our friendly medical staff: we offer free consultations for all of our clients.

We also offer a range of diagnostic services, from DNA and Gut Testing, to a full range of Blood Tests. These tests can aid in identifying and analysing your body’s need for specific micronutrients.

Can anyone get an IV drip or booster shot?

While the majority of our customers are eligible, we reserve the right to withhold treatment if we feel it would create complications or concerns. We do not offer our services to anyone under the age of 18.

What results can I expect?

Everyone is different and will therefore experience varied results. Some feel more energised and detoxified after their infusion where as others may not notice a physical difference but will have more vitamins in their system which are bioavailable for the body to absorb.

Is this always safe?

Safety has always been at the forefront of what we do and we strive to be the best in the industry. All of our suppliers have medical grade GMP Certificates to ensure the quality of the products. All of our staff who administer our products are Healthcare Professionals including GMC registered Doctors, NMC registered Nurses and registered Paramedics. We do not allow non-medical staff to administer our Drips or Booster Shots. We ask all of our customers to complete a Medical Questionnaire (including Medical History) before proceeding with a Drip or Shot, and we do not offer any products to anyone that may have any contra-indications to our ingredients. We undertake pre and post medical observations on everyone having our Drips and our staff will refuse to administer a Drip to anyone whose observations are out of the safe range. If this happens we refer our customers to seek medical advice from their GP. Our doses of vitamins are set within the maximum tolerated doses so as not to cause toxicity. We have limits on the amount of Drips a customer is allowed to have in a period of time to prevent long term damage to veins. Our equipment quality standards are higher than what is found within the NHS so you can be sure that we operate at the highest standards.

What is the risk of infection?

Bacteraemia (blood infection) affects 0.5 cases per 1,000 days of IV access of peripheral cannula insertion, compared to 2.7 cases per 1000 days IV access for central catheter insertion. (Miguel Angel Roadriguez-Calero et al). For Get A Drip, this would be the equivalent of 1 in every 48,000 clients we cannulate. To date, we have had no reported cases.

How many drips can I have in a week / month / year?

The maximum number of IV treatments we recommend you have is 9 in a 6 month period. Depending on what is being administered, we do not recommend more than 2 IV treatments per week.

Can I have a drip whilst pregnant / breastfeeding? What about IVF?

People who are breastfeeding can have the Basic Hydration Drip, Multivit Drip and Vitamin D, B Complex and Vitamin B12 Booster Shots.

We do not administer Drips or Booster Shots to pregnant people or those actively going through IVF.

Can I still take multivitamins alongside having a drip or booster shot?

Yes, but you shouldn’t need to take the same vitamins as you have with us. For example if you have a Vitamin B12 Booster Shot with us then you shouldn’t need to take a daily B12 as well. If you have a Vitamin D Booster Shot with us, we would recommend you stop taking any additional Vitamin D supplements.

How much fluid is in each drip? Is it safe to have a litre of fluid?

Our Drips vary from 100ml to 1,000ml, most of our Drips contain 1,000ml of fluid. This is a third of your daily intake of fluid, and it is safe to have this amount in a Drip (depending on your medical history and observations). Prior to giving the Drip we will check your blood pressure, pulse, temperature and oxygen saturations to ensure it is safe to go ahead. If you have any medical conditions such as heart or kidney problems (as disclosed to us on your medical questionnaire), this will be taken into account by one of our health care professionals before deciding if it is safe and appropriate to go ahead.

Can I eat before having a drip or booster shot?

Yes, you can eat as normal before and after having a Drip or Booster Shot.

Why do I feel cold when I have a drip?

The fluid that goes into your bloodstream is a lower temperature than body temperature, so it can temporarily make you feel a little cold. We have snuggly blankets to help warm you up, and you should feel back to normal very soon after your Drip.

Do you do home callouts?

Yes, click here for more information about our Home and Office Visits service.

Can drips help cancer patients?

It is important to iterate that our drips and boosters have no evidence to cure, prevent or treat cancer of any type or any other conditions. Whilst there is ongoing research in this field, the outcome is currently inconclusive and therefore we are unable to recommend our products for these reasons.

Get A Drip does not endorse the use of vitamin drips and booster shots as an alternative to traditional medicine such as chemotherapy, radiotherapy and targeted therapies. Vitamin Drips can be used as a means of improved “wellness” to improve energy levels.

Get A Drip cannot guarantee that using Vitamin Drips and Booster Shots will alleviate side effects from traditional treatment or symptoms associated with cancer.

Please inform your specialist if you intend to use Get a Drip products to ensure there is no clinical reason you shouldn’t receive IV vitamin or IM booster treatment.

Get A Drip accepts no liability for any symptoms or side effects attributed to cancer or traditional treatments.

Get A Drip products are to improve wellness and not to treat or cure cancer.

How much does it cost?

Booster Shots start at £30 and our Drips start from £75.

Who can benefit from IV drip hydration?

Anyone can benefit from additional nutrients. Speak to our friendly staff to discuss what might be the best drip for you.

How long does IV drip therapy take?

Drip appointments usually last anywhere between 30 to 60 minutes. Booster Shots take less than 5 minutes to administer.

What should I do before arriving?

To save time, please complete the online medical form. Eat and drink as normal the day of your drip.

Is IV drip therapy legal for athletes?

While many of our clients are athletes, if you are sponsored or have concerns we advise that you check with your coach, sponsor or governing body before treatment.

How often should I have a drip?

We recommend that everyone listens to their own body, but on average we would recommend having a Drip approximately once a month.

Can I workout after having a drip?

Yes, you can carry on with your normal daily routine. We would recommend leaving an hour or so after having the Drip before exercising.

Can I drink alcohol before / after having a drip?

Yes, we would advise to always drink in moderation and remember that antioxidants are used up quicker to metabolise alcohol, so we recommend not drinking alcohol after your Drip, to prolong the effects of the vitamins and to receive the maximum benefits.

It is up to our clinical staff’s discretion to decide if someone has the capacity to have a Drip.

What is the difference between a drip and a booster shot?

A Drip is an Intravenous Drip which is administered by putting a cannula into a vein in your arm. You will then be attached to the Drip for around 40 minutes while the fluid and nutrients enter your bloodstream. A Booster Shot is an injection of a single nutrient into the muscle in the arm.

Do I need to have a blood test before having a drip?

There is no requirement to have a blood test before a Drip, but if you have already had a blood test we are happy to look at the results and advise the best Drip to have.

How do you know what you're deficient in? Do you test people before?

We can do a finger-prick blood test to test Vitamin D levels which will tell you if you’re deficient. We will then recommend how much Vitamin D you need to get your levels back to normal. Click here for more information.

We also have DNA tests available to help you choose the nutrients that your body needs, based on your own unique genetic makeup. Our Doctors are happy to interpret your own blood test or DNA test results in order to advise what nutrients you may benefit from. Get your DNA test here: https://getadrip.co.uk/dna-testing/

We offer Gut Testing and full range of Blood Tests as well.

What is the difference between Methyl B12 and Hydroxy B12?

B12 Hydroxycobalamin is the inactive version of B12 Methylcobalamin. Your body must convert B12 Hydroxy into B12 Methyl in order to use it, thus making B12 Methyl more bioavailable for your body to use straight away. B12 Hydroxy lasts in your system for longer than B12 Methyl.

Are there any negative side effects?

We have administered over 20,000 Drips to date with no serious side effects.

How long after surgery can I have an IV drip or booster shot?

You may only have our IV Drip or Booster Shot services if at least 6 weeks have passed since the date of your surgery. Please note that we may request to see your discharge letter as proof.

What is your policy on pets?

No pets are allowed on our premises. Please do not bring your pet with you upon attending your appointment.