Altitude Training

What is Altitude Training?

Altitude Training – welcome, oxygen enthusiasts and thrill-seekers and begin your journey to elevating your performance.  Get ready to push your limits, defy gravity and dive into the fascinating realm where every breath counts. 

Altitude Training (also known as Intermittent Hypoxic Training) is a technique that involves exposing the body to alternating patterns of low-oxygen (hypoxic) and normal-oxygen (normoxic) air as well as high oxygen levels (hyperoxia). This cycling of oxygen levels prompts the body to adapt in various ways, such as increasing the production of blood cells and improving oxygen utilisation efficiency.

Our Altitude Training machine does not require any additional exercise during your session, allowing those of any physical state to participate in our training. During your session, you remain stationary in one of our comfortable Get A Drip chairs with a mask over your nose and mouth and will continue breathing as normal. We do not offer Altitude training with additional exercise/equipment allowing anyone to train with us!

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Who can benefit from Altitude Training?


People who are gearing up for treks or climbs in high-altitude regions might employ the help of IHT as a preparatory measure to adapt their bodies to lower oxygen levels.


Athletes enjoy participating in Altitude Training as it helps them boost their endurance and performance. People committed to their fitness objectives and journey, might discover all of the Altitude Training advantages. Over time, your body becomes significantly more efficient in using oxygen effectively. Think of it as training a specific muscle, the more you work it over time, the stronger the muscle gets.

Senior citizens

Altitude Training may help seniors improve their respiratory function, making breathing easier and more efficient. This can be particularly beneficial for those with respiratory conditions such as COPD or asthma. Altitude training can also boost endurance levels and energy levels allowing seniors to engage in physical activities for longer periods without fatigue.

Rehabilitation patients

Some research indicates that IHT could offer therapeutic advantages for specific medical conditions like cardiovascular disease, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), and metabolic disorders.

Book Your First Altitude Training Session!

  • Altitude training sessions starting from just £28!
  • Available at our Canary Wharf clinic

Altitude Training Prices & Packages

Enjoy 30% Off All Packages!
Treatment Course Price
Intro Session £40 £28
1 x Session £75 £52.50
5 x Sessions £300 £210
10 x Sessions £500 £350

Sessions last up to 40 minutes. However, if you wish, you are able to stop the session at any given time.

Please note, a Hypoxia assessment must be completed as an intro session before you book a standard session, which will then be personalised based on your assessment results. Your assessment will be 40 minutes and will provide a baseline for the machine so we can ensure your future sessions are accurate and optimised for your needs. We recommend a course of 10 sessions, following your assessment to reach your full potential. 

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Benefits of High Altitude Training

The applications of Intermittent Hypoxic Training are extremely diverse, and offer many benefits to you and your skin!

Enhanced oxygen utilisation
Cardiovascular fitness improvement
Performance enhancement
Overall wellness promotion
Potential anti-ageing effects

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Who can benefit from Altitude Training (Hypoxic Therapy)?

Altitude training, also known as Hypoxic Therapy, offers a wide range of benefits for various individuals:

  • Trained Athletes: Endurance athletes (runners, cyclists, swimmers) and team sport athletes (football, rugby, basketball) can significantly improve their performance by increasing red blood cell production, enhancing oxygen-carrying capacity, and boosting endurance.
  • Fitness Enthusiasts: Those looking to improve their fitness levels and overall well-being can benefit from increased stamina, faster recovery times, and enhanced fat burning.
  • Rehabilitation Patients: Altitude training may aid in recovery from injuries or surgeries by improving blood flow and oxygen delivery to tissues.
  • Senior Citizens: Studies suggest that altitude training may improve cognitive function, muscle strength, and exercise tolerance in older adults. However, consulting a healthcare professional is crucial before starting.

is there a connection between Altitude Training and VO2 max levels?

Yes, there is a well-established connection between Altitude Training (Hypoxic Therapy) and VO2 max.

VO2 Max Explained

VO2 max is a measure of the maximum amount of oxygen your body can utilise during intense exercise. It’s a key indicator of cardiovascular fitness and athletic performance.

How Altitude Training Affects VO2 Max

Altitude Training simulates the conditions of high altitude, where the air has lower oxygen levels. This reduced oxygen availability triggers physiological adaptations in the body, including:

  • Increased Red Blood Cell Production: Your body produces more red blood cells to carry oxygen, improving oxygen delivery to muscles during exercise.
  • Enhanced Mitochondrial Function: Mitochondria, the powerhouses of cells, become more efficient at utilising oxygen for energy production.
  • Improved Lactate Threshold: Your body becomes better at clearing lactate, a byproduct of exercise that contributes to fatigue.

These adaptations can lead to a significant increase in VO2 max, which translates to improved endurance, enhanced performance, and faster recovery times.

How often do you have to do Altitude Training (Hypoxic Therapy) to see results?

The frequency of altitude training sessions required to see results varies depending on individual goals, fitness levels, and the specific training protocol used. However, here are some general guidelines:

  • Trained Athletes: Typically, athletes engage in altitude training sessions 3-5 times per week, lasting 1-2 hours per session. This frequency allows for sufficient adaptation to the hypoxic environment and maximises performance benefits.
  • Fitness Enthusiasts: Those seeking general fitness improvements can benefit from 1-3 sessions per week, lasting 30-60 minutes each. This frequency allows for gradual adaptation and noticeable improvements in fitness levels.
  • Rehabilitation Patients and Senior Citizens: A personalised approach is essential for these individuals, with frequency and duration determined based on individual needs and goals, during our initial consultation.

It’s important to note that consistency is key. Regular altitude training sessions over several weeks are generally required to see significant results. However, even a few sessions can provide noticeable benefits in terms of energy levels and overall well-being.

How do you train for altitude?

Other than climbing up to the altitude you desire, the only other way to prepare for the altitude is through Altitude Training. By exposing the body to alternating patterns of low-oxygen (hypoxic) and normal-oxygen (normoxic) air as well as high oxygen levels (hyperoxia), Altitude Training ‘tricks’ your body into thinking that it is climbing a mountain, or experiencing something with low oxygen levels. 

Does Altitude Training improve performance?

Yes Altitude Training can improve performance, especially endurance sports. When athletes train at high altitudes where oxygen levels are lower, their bodies adapt by producing more red blood cells and increasing their oxygen-carrying capacity, known as acclimatisation. This can lead to several performance benefits such as: enhanced endurance, improved recovery, increased speed and mental toughness. 

What's the difference between Hyperbaric Oxygen Chamber and Hypoxic Therapy (Altitude Training)?

Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (HBOT) and Hypoxic Therapy (Altitude Training) are both innovative therapies that manipulate oxygen levels, but they do so in opposite ways and for different purposes.

Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (HBOT):

  • Mechanism: Involves breathing pure oxygen in a pressurised chamber, increasing the amount of oxygen dissolved in the blood plasma.
  • Benefits: Used to treat conditions like decompression sickness, non-healing wounds, and certain infections. It promotes wound healing, reduces inflammation, and stimulates tissue regeneration.

Hypoxic Therapy (Altitude Training):

  • Mechanism: Simulates high-altitude conditions by reducing oxygen levels in the air breathed, triggering physiological adaptations like increased red blood cell production and improved oxygen utilisation.
  • Benefits: Enhances athletic performance, improves endurance, boosts energy levels, and may aid in rehabilitation.