Michael Stewart

Michael Stewart with a yellow flowered background

Michael Stewart

Our Expert Registered Nutritional Therapist

Hi! My name’s Michael, I’m a Registered Nutritional Therapist and Osteopath and I work one on one with busy professionals, just like you, to improve troublesome digestive symptoms.

Whether your life is being made miserable by IBS, gastritis or celiac disease, diarrhoea, constipation or both, bloating and gas, abdominal pain and acid reflux, food sensitivities and brain fog – I’m here to help.

Working together, my job is to empower you with the knowledge to fully understand your symptoms and achieve your goals, all without having to sacrifice working, socialising or eating well.

Contact Michael

Why Work With Me?

Based on my own experience of living with a wide range of digestive troubles, including food sensitivities, bloating, weight issues, acne and the anxiety of always having to know where the bathroom was when arriving somewhere new, I have experienced first hand the massive impact that food and supplementation can have.

As a result I now specialise in working with people with similar digestive problems. In nearly 20 years of clinical and educational nutrition and osteopathy, I have helped thousands of people in their goal of regaining control of their health and I would love to support you too on your journey, so that you can feel your best and move forward with your life.

How Do We Get Started?

The first step on your health journey is to organise a quick chat.

If you have purchased one of our Microbiome Test kits, as soon as the results are back we will organise a call to discuss what has been found, identify your individual health goals and what the best course of action may be.

If you have arrived here by some other route, we will first book a free, no obligation Introduction Call, by phone or by video, so we can discuss your health concerns and goals, and how working together may help you achieve them.

Contact Michael

Before Your First Consultation:

Once we have spoken you will receive:

  • Health and Symptom History Questionnaire
  • Food and Symptom Diary
  • Terms of Engagement Contract
  • GDPR Data Protection Forms

These can be sent by email or by post, whichever you prefer.

Returning these to me, at least 3 days in advance of our first full consultation, will allow me to get a bigger picture of where you are now healthwise and make a provisional plan of action.

During our first consultation, I will ask some additional questions, to fill in any gaps from the paperwork and ensure any potentially more serious or sinister symptoms are discussed in detail, referring onwards to the right medical specialist if necessary.

We will then talk through the most likely underlying causes of your symptoms before discussing a personalised health care plan, including a diet, supplement and lifestyle based program tailored to your individual needs. Further testing may be advised, either through your GP or private laboratories.

Follow up consultations will also be discussed and arranged, if appropriate, to provide further support for you on your journey to better health. Normally these will be a month apart, but this can vary depending on your individual plan and your need for more or less support.

Contact Michael

How Much Does It Cost?

Atlas Gut Testing: £149 –  includes complimentary 20 minute call with me to discuss your results and whether working together is right for you

  1. 15 Minute Introduction Call: Free of charge (this is required before booking a First Consultation, unless you have purchased an Atlas Gut Test and we have discussed your results)
  2. First Consultation – 90 Minutes: £299
  3. Standard Follow Up Consultations – 60 Minutes: £249
  4. Mini Catch Up Consultation – 30 Minutes: £165
  5. Additional Research: £85 per Hour